Smith Dawson supports a number of charities and occasionally participates in events to raise funds for both local and national causes. In the recent past, we have supported Movember, which raises awareness of men's health and prostate cancer, as well as Jeans for Genes in support of initiatives that work to improve the quality of life for children born with genetic disorders. We also raise funds for the British Heart Foundation, the Blind Children's Society and Compton Care in Wolverhampton that has provided much-needed palliative care for some of our own loved ones whose lives have been affected by the devastation of cancer. Several of our staff members regularly take part in the Race For Life in order to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.
In December 2018, Andrew Brocklehurst and Frank Calleia had the pleasure of presenting our consultant solicitor John Bugg with certificates from the Law Society marking a milestone 50 years since he first qualified as a solicitor. We are all incredibly thankful that John has chosen to spend the final years of his career with us, giving both staff and clients the benefit of his vast experience, extensive knowledge, and of course his inimitable good humour.
After the firm passed its own 50 year milestone last year since it was first established by Robert Smith Dawson in 1967, long-serving members of our support staff were also presented with gifts to mark their 25 years of service with the firm at our annual Christmas meal.
In the summer of 2014, after tasting the disappointment of defeat in the final stages in previous years, our team won the Wolverhampton and Black Country Junior Lawyers' 5-a-side football tournament. Led by Andrew Brocklehurst, we came out on top in this annual charity event, this year held to raise funds for Compton Hospice.